How we work.

The experiments, so far, have involved me taking photos on my phone and digital camera of existing pictures on my bedroom wall or in books . The Spirit Team manage to manipulate the energy over the printed pictures to create altered or new faces and text.

The light is dim, lamp light or slight daylight coming from around the edges of the blind. Sometime the room is dark and I use a flash. The resulting images can be seen on the photo or film I can see the faces in the paintings changing prior to taking the photos. The tiny 'pieces' of colour whizz rapidly around the surface of the picture.

The images shown are not visible to the naked eye after the photo has been taken and the only existing record is caught by the camera.

Mona Lisa...& Friends

This video was shot on my camera in dim daylight.  My Spirit Team have effected changes to her face. The recording has been extended so that the resulting film is slowed down about 10 times in order for the faces to be seen more clearly.

It's best watched in a darker room as the image is not very bright.

VIDEO : Mona Lisa.....

It had been argued that the integrated style with which the spirit artists have created faces within this painting may not be as evidential, in terms of mediumship, as the addition of an alien style of painting may have been. Whilst I appreciate this argument, as we are indeed working with intent to provide recordable evidence to widely publish, I also, as an artist myself, feel very emotive about the work that has gone into this. To create faces in harmony with the style of the original artist takes great skill and knowledge and I find the resulting film to be one of beauty and sophistication.