How we work.

The experiments, so far, have involved me taking photos on my phone and digital camera of existing pictures on my bedroom wall or in books . The Spirit Team manage to manipulate the energy over the printed pictures to create altered or new faces and text.

The light is dim, lamp light or slight daylight coming from around the edges of the blind. Sometime the room is dark and I use a flash. The resulting images can be seen on the photo or film I can see the faces in the paintings changing prior to taking the photos. The tiny 'pieces' of colour whizz rapidly around the surface of the picture.

The images shown are not visible to the naked eye after the photo has been taken and the only existing record is caught by the camera.

Blowing a Kiss.

 Blowing a kiss...the face of this portrait was changed by my spirit guide to blow a kiss for the camera.

Changes made by Spirit Artists to a print of Vermeer's 'Girl With A Pearl Earing' - 10th Oct 2013

How the original painting looks

This film was originally 10 seconds long. It was shot in my bedroom in dim daylight on a digital camera. I have slowed it down ( the original is too fast to see beyond the spirit energy blur ) and trimmed it to fit the piece of music. No other changes have been made. The film is quite dark but visible. It is still necessary at this point to film in dim conditions as the spirit changes don't show up well in bright light. No specialist equipment is used and to be honest I don't even give the team much notice. They are dong very well considering most of our filming sessions are fairly impromptu while I eat toast and drink tea!